The New York law provides maintenance and child support guideline formulas. MAINTENANCE In New York, maintenance (also known as alimony in other states) is based on a number of financial factors in the case. In order to assist in the determination of the appropriate amount, the statute has a formula based on the gross income […]
Colorado law provides formulas to help determine the appropriate amounts of maintenance and/or child support. MAINTENANCE In Colorado, maintenance (also known as alimony in other states) is based on a number of financial factors in the case. In order to assist in the determination of the appropriate amount, the statute has a formula based on […]
The American rescue act affected three credits in dramatic way, especially for lower income households. Click here for our blog post about these credits. These credits dramatically increase after-tax income, especially for lower-income households, but they are effective only for the year 2021. How does this affect child support? The impact on child support occurs […]
Children as Tax Dependents
For divorced parents or parents who are separated or living apart, the term “Dependent” means that a child is the parent’s “qualified child”. The IRS uses the term “custodial parent” for the parent with the qualified dependent child. This term should not be confused with the designation of “custody” in the state court order. […]
American Rescue Plan
As you may know, Congress passed a stimulus bill in March, 2021, officially called the American Rescue Plan. The bill has many provisions, but three tax provisions in particular will affect the calculations in Family Law Software, especially for the 2021 tax year, with significant impact on cash flow, taxes, and child support. This will […]
Which Year’s Numbers Should I use?
People ask which year’s numbers they should use for guidelines and budgets: last year’s? This year’s? Next year’s? The year you use depends on the purpose for which you are using the results. Guidelines. For child and spousal support guidelines, people tend to use current year numbers. However, since the guideline payment amount tends to […]
Accurate Net Income
In marriage dissolution cases, the alimony and child support you calculate depend on the parties’ net incomes. “Net income” Seems like a simple concept. But sometimes it is not so simple to figure out the amount of money that is actually available to spend. Often during divorce, the client who will be required to pay […]
When parents share parenting time equally in New York, how do you calculate child support? Family Law Software give you a quick and easy way to come up with the right answer. In New York, the “custodial parent” who has more than equal time with the children, pays the “non-custodial parent” child support under the […]
When parents share parenting time equally in Connecticut, how do you calculate child support? Family Law Software give you a quick and easy way to come up with the right answer. Under the Connecticut law, “Shared Physical Custody” means that the physical residence of the child is shared by the parents for “a substantially equal […]

A discussion of child support calculation in NJ where there is equally shared parenting time- and how Family Law Software can help.